Ecc. 10:12 -The phrases of a clever mouth are gracious, However the lips of a idiot shall swallow him up. Prov. 13:16-18: Internet Chicks – Sixteen The law of the wise is a fountain of life, But the man without understanding will die by a snare. Prov. 10:32,33: – 32 The mouth of a righteous man distills knowledge, But the tongue of an unrighteous man completely destroys. 33 The lips of righteous males distill grace, But the mouth of the ungodly is perverse. Sir. 21: 16 The explanation of a fool is sort of a burden on a journey, But grace will likely be on the lips of an clever man.
2 He who finds grace from the Lord becomes higher, But a lawless man might be passed over in silence. 27 He who trusts in riches, this man will fall, But he who helps the righteous, this man will rise. Es wäre schön, wenn dies nur bedeuten würde, ihnen zu zeigen, wie man Schnürsenkel zubindet, sein Bett macht und ein leckeres Essen auf den Tisch zaubert. Die Sicher-Stark-Organisation ruft dazu auf, Internet Chicks – gerade jetzt auf Kinder zu achten, die in den vergangenen Wochen aufgrund der Ausgangsbeschränkungen wenig sichtbar waren. Die Kinder lernen, sich richtig zu verhalten, auch wenn sie allein sind: sowohl gegenüber einem Fremdtäter als auch im nahen Umfeld, wo die meisten Übergriffe stattfinden. Prov. 30:7: Two issues I ask from You: Don’t take away grace from me before I die. Prov. 11:26,27: He who plans good things seeks good grace, But he who seeks evil, it will seize him.
Prov. 18:22 – He who finds a very good spouse finds advantages and receives cheerfulness from God. Prov. 17:9 – Instruction awards benefits to these using it, and wherever it turns, it prospers them. Prov. 19:12 The anger of a king is just like the roar of a lion, But as dew upon the grass, thus is his grace. I unfold forth my branches like a terebinth tree, And my branches had been glory and grace. Prov. 26:12 -There may be disgrace that brings on sin, And there’s disgrace that is glory and charm. Ezek. 12:24 -For there shall not be any false vision or favorable prophesying within the midst of the youngsters of Israel.