What has always been a little girl’s first best friend? The rag doll of course. In just about any era you can picture a little girl in two pigtails, wearing a Sunday dress skipping along the sidewalk. What’s that she’s swinging by her side in her hand? Her handmade rag doll of course.

From times gone by when people made their own clothes, the leftover fabric or scraps of fabric did not go to waste. Most of the scrap fabric was used to stuff a large quilt or pillow or it was used to make an apron. But the scraps from those projects were often used to make a child’s doll. A well deserved child would often get a rag doll as a gift perhaps once or twice in her childhood life.

You can buy non-wood mulch that is fully resistant to fungus, and will prevent this issue in the future. If you notice this fungus in your mulch, you can rake your mulch or replace your mulch with new mulch. Also if you have wood out doors, this is a perfect setting for this type of fungus. Check all areas close to your house, and ask your neighbors too also.

Are you are in control of your lifeor are you living the life that someone else wants you to live? As a young girl I enjoyed playing with dolls. It was definitely a great way to get trained on hair, makeup & fashion but just like we tossed the dolls aside when we got older it’s important to not let others toss us around.

The old lady thought, and finally decided to surprise the girls. She said, “I’m pretty handy with a needle and thread. Why don’t we meet here tomorrow and make the final decision After all this was my grandfather’s shack so it must belong to rag doll our family.

Chose your fabrics. You will want to chose fabrics that fray nicely. Cotton Fabrics work well with using a color coordinated flannel middle, but ultimately flannel is the best fraying fabric. Another great choice is to toss some denim in, denim looks great in any rag quilt.

If you are looking for the perfect baby gift, rag quilts are one of the most essential baby items. They provide a place to sleep, a source of warmth, and a place to play or sit. They are also one of the few things that last the test of time. It is easy to develop a personal attachment to things that have a familiar look and scent. Babies get attached to them because of their touch, scent, or sense of security. It is safe to say that you can not go wrong when giving a rag quilt as a baby gift.Free picture: braided rag, rug, knit, texture